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Data Asset Exchange - NOAA Weather Data JFK Airport

Sample Records

Features Sample - 1 Sample - 2
LATITUDE 40.6386 40.6386
LONGITUDE -73.7622 -73.7622
DATE 40179.0354166667 42063.9993055556
HOURLYDewPointTempF 31
HOURLYDewPointTempC -0.6
HOURLYRelativeHumidity 92
HOURLYWindSpeed 0
HOURLYWindDirection 0
HOURLYStationPressure 29.97
HOURLYPressureTendency 8
HOURLYSeaLevelPressure 29.99
HOURLYAltimeterSetting 29.99
DAILYMaximumDryBulbTemp 31
DAILYMinimumDryBulbTemp 15
DAILYAverageDryBulbTemp 23
DAILYDeptFromNormalAverageTemp -14.4
DAILYHeatingDegreeDays 42
DAILYCoolingDegreeDays 0
DAILYSunrise 719 629
DAILYSunset 1639 1746
DAILYPrecip 0
DAILYSnowfall 13.6
DAILYSnowDepth 1
DAILYAverageStationPressure 30.72
DAILYPeakWindSpeed 23
PeakWindDirection 330
DAILYSustainedWindSpeed 20
DAILYSustainedWindDirection 330
MonthlyMaximumTemp 32.6
MonthlyMinimumTemp 16.5
MonthlyMeanTemp 24.5
MonthlyStationPressure 30.05
MonthlySeaLevelPressure 30.08
MonthlyTotalSnowfall 13.6
MonthlyDeptFromNormalMaximumTemp -9.2
MonthlyDeptFromNormalMinimumTemp -11.6
MonthlyDeptFromNormalAverageTemp -10.4
MonthlyDeptFromNormalPrecip -0.24
MonthlyTotalLiquidPrecip 2.35
MonthlyGreatestSnowfall 4.5
MonthlyGreatestSnowfallDate 21-21
MonthlyGreatestSnowDepth 8
MonthlyGreatestSnowDepthDate 4
MonthlyDaysWithGT90Temp 0
MonthlyDaysWithLT32Temp 14
MonthlyDaysWithLT0Temp 0
MonthlyMaxSeaLevelPressureDate -9999 -9999
MonthlyMaxSeaLevelPressureTime -9999 -9999
MonthlyMinSeaLevelPressureDate -9999 -9999
MonthlyMinSeaLevelPressureTime -9999 -9999
MonthlyTotalHeatingDegreeDays 1128s
MonthlyTotalCoolingDegreeDays 0
MonthlyDeptFromNormalHeatingDD 287s
MonthlyDeptFromNormalCoolingDD 0


Format CSV
License CDLA-Sharing
Domain Time Series
Number of Records 114,546 hourly observations
Data Split NA
Size 3.2 MB
Dataset Origin National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Dataset Version Update Version 2 – September 12, 2019
Version 1 – July 16, 2019
Dataset Coverage Location: New York City
Dates: 2010-01-01 through 2018-07-27
Note: To download raw data from NOAA for a different region or date span, follow the steps outlined in the data archive's README.txt.
Business Use Case


  • Detect unseasonal temperature change and alert farmers about potential damage to plants.
  • Energy

  • Regulate solar cell charging hours based on weather type condition and temperature.
  • Regulate wind turbine operation based on wind speed and wind direction.
  • Generate energy demand alerts based on temperature.
  • Remotely adjust air conditioning configs to boost energy efficiency based on temperature shifts.
  • Retail

  • Estimate outdoor retail foot traffic based on weather condition and temperature predictions.
  • Manufacturing

  • Integrate hourly temperature into building model simulations to test structural integrity.
  • Adjust window tint in a vehicle based on temperature and UV index.
  • Healthcare

  • Connect to a smart watch and send push notifications when the weather is nice enough to go for a walk outside.

Dataset Feature Definition

Feature Description
STATION Weather Station Number
STATION_NAME Weather Station Name
ELEVATION Weather Station Elevation
LATITUDE Weather Station Latitude
LONGITUDE Weather Station Longitude
DATE Date (day of month given in two digits) and Time of observation
REPORTTPYE Indicates type of weather observation
HOURLYSKYCONDITIONS A report of each cloud layer (up to 3)
HOURLYVISIBILITY The horizontal distance an object can be seen and identified given in whole miles. Note visibilities less than 3 miles are usually given in smaller increments (e.g. 2.5).
HOURLYPRSENTWEATHERTYPE Weather types describe precipitation or obstructions to vision occurring at the time of observation. These are reported by automated sensors (AU or AW) and manually (MW) by human observation. AU elements are listed first and followed by “|” and followed by AW elements. After the AW elements there will be another “|” followed by the MW elements (e.g. “-RA:02|RA:61|RA:61”). In the preceding example -RA:02 is an AU element, RA:61 is an AW element and RA:61 is an MW element. Note that precipitation types often use “-“ for light intensity or “+” for heavy intensity. If a precipitation type has no “-“ or “+” it is considered to be moderate intensity. It is not uncommon for one type of element to be reported without another. In other words, it is possible to have an AU element without an AW element or MW element.
HOURLYDRYBULBTEMPF This is the dry-bulb temperature and is commonly used as the standard air temperature reported. It is given here in whole degrees Fahrenheit.
HOURLYDRYBULBTEMPC This is the dry-bulb temperature and is commonly used as the standard air temperature reported. It is given here in tenths of a degree Celsius.
HOURLYWETBULBTEMPF This is the wet-bulb temperature. It is given here in whole degrees Fahrenheit.
HOURLYWETBULBTEMPC This is the wet-bulb temperature. It is given here in tenths of a degree Celsius.
HOURLYDewPointTempF This is the dew point temperature. It is given here in whole degrees Fahrenheit.
HOURLYDewPointTempC This is the dew point temperature. It is given here in tenths of a degree Celsius.
HOURLYRelativeHumidity This is the relative humidity given to the nearest whole percentage.
HOURLYWindSpeed Speed of the wind at the time of observation given in miles per hour (mph).
HOURLYWindDirection Wind direction from true north using compass directions (e.g. 360 = true north, 180 = south, 270 =west, etc.). Note: A direction of “000” is given for calm winds.
HOURLYWindGustSpeed Wind gusts occurring during time of observation. Given in miles per hour (mph).
HOURLYStationPressure Atmospheric pressure observed at the station during the time of observation. Given in inches of Mercury (in Hg).
HOURLYPressureTendency Pressure tendency (In general a 0 through 3 here indicates an increase in pressure over previous 3 hours and a 5 through 8 indicates a decrease over the previous 3 hours and 4 indicates no change during the previous 3 hours).
HOURLYPressureChange Difference in pressure over the past 3 hours. Prefixed with a “+” or “-” to indicate increase or decrease in pressure respectively. Given in inches of Mercury (in Hg).
HOURLYSeaLevelPressure Sea level pressure given in inches of Mercury (in Hg).
HOURLYPrecip Amount of precipitation in inches to hundredths over the past hour. For certain automated stations, precipitation will be reported at sub-hourly intervals (e.g. every 15 or 20 minutes) as an accumulated amount of all precipitation within the preceding hour. A “T” indicates a trace amount of precipitation.
HOURLYAltimeterSetting Atmospheric pressure reduced to sea level using temperature profile of the “standard” atmosphere. Given in inches of Mercury (in Hg).
DAILYMaximumDryBulbTemp Maximum temperature for the day (in whole degrees Fahrenheit). An asterisk (*) is used to designate when a daily maximum temperature is also the extreme maximum for the month.
DAILYMinimumDryBulbTemp Minimum temperature for the day (in whole degrees Fahrenheit). An asterisk (*) is used to designate when a daily minimum temperature is also the extreme minimum for the month.
DAILYAverageDryBulbTemp Average temperature for the day (in whole degrees Fahrenheit). This is based on the arithmetic average of the maximum and minimum temperature for the day.
DAILYDeptFromNormalAverageTemp Average temperature’s departure from (1981-2010) normal temperature (in whole Fahrenheit degrees using “-” to indicate below normal)
DAILYAverageRelativeHumidity Average daily relative humidity (in whole percent)
DAILYAverageDewPointTemp Average daily dew point temperature (in whole degrees Fahrenheit)
DAILYAverageWetBulbTemp Average daily wet-bulb temperature (in whole degrees Fahrenheit)
DAILYHeatingDegreeDays Heating degree days (in whole degrees using a 65 degree F base)
DAILYCoolingDegreeDays Cooling degree days (in whole degrees using a 65 degree F base)
DAILYSunrise Time of sunrise using a 24-hour clock (Local Standard Time – Daylight Savings Time is not used)
DAILYSunset Time of sunset using a 24-hour clock (Local Standard Time – Daylight Savings Time is not used)
DAILYWeather Daily occurrences of weather types. The 2-digit number in each designation corresponds to the WT (weather type code) used in GHCN-Daily dataset.
DAILYPrecip Water equivalent amount of precipitation for the day (in inches to hundredths). This is all types of precipitation (melted and frozen). T indicates trace amount of precipitation. If left blank, precipitation amount is unreported.
DAILYSnowfall Daily amount of snowfall (in inches to the tenths). T indicates trace amount.
DAILYSnowDepth Daily reading of snow on ground (in whole inches). T indicates trace amount.
DAILYAverageStationPressure Daily average station pressure (in inches of mercury, to hundredths)
DAILYAverageSeaLevelPressure Daily average sea level pressure (in inches of mercury, to hundredths)
DAILYAverageWindSpeed Daily average wind speed in miles per hour miles per hour, to tenths)
DAILYPeakWindSpeed Peak wind speed for the day (in whole miles per hour)
PeakWindDirection Direction of wind during peak wind speed for the day given as direction from which wind was blowing using a 360 degree compass with respect to true north (e.g north = 360, south = 180, etc.)
DAILYSustainedWindSpeed Maximum sustained wind speed for the day (in whole miles per hour). Note: For U.S. locations this is the fastest reported speed for the day that is sustained for at least 2 minutes for years 1994 and later. For earlier years it is the fastest reported speed sustained for at least 1 minute.
DAILYSustainedWindDirection Direction of wind during maximum sustained wind speed for the day given as direction from which wind was blowing using a 360 degree compass with respect to true north
MonthlyMaximumTemp Maximum temperature for the month (in whole degrees Fahrenheit).
MonthlyMinimumTemp Minimum temperature for the month (in whole degrees Fahrenheit).
MonthlyMeanTemp Mean temperature for the month (in whole degrees Fahrenheit).
MonthlyAverageRH Average monthly relative humidity (in whole percent)
MonthlyDewpointTemp Monthly dew point temperature (in whole degrees Fahrenheit)
MonthlyWetBulbTemp Monthly wet-bulb temperature (in whole degrees Fahrenheit)
MonthlyAvgHeatingDegreeDays Average monthly heating degree days (in whole degrees using a 65 degree F base)
MonthlyAvgCoolingDegreeDays Average monthly Cooling degree days (in whole degrees using a 65 degree F base)
MonthlyStationPressure Monthly station pressure (in inches of mercury, to hundredths)
MonthlySeaLevelPressure Monthly sea level pressure (in inches of mercury, to hundredths)
MonthlyAverageWindSpeed Monthly average wind speed in miles per hour miles per hour, to tenths)
MonthlyTotalSnowfall Monthly amount of snowfall (in inches to the tenths). T indicates trace amount.
MonthlyDeptFromNormalMaximumTemp Monthly departure from normal - maximum temperature
MonthlyDeptFromNormalMinimumTemp Monthly departure from normal - minimum temperature
MonthlyDeptFromNormalAverageTemp Monthly departure from normal - average temperature
MonthlyDeptFromNormalPrecip Monthly departure from normal - precipitation
MonthlyTotalLiquidPrecip Water equivalent amount of precipitation for the month (in inches to hundredths).
MonthlyGreatestPrecip The month’s greatest amount of precipitation to fall in 24 hours - precip value
MonthlyGreatestPrecipDate The month’s greatest amount of precipitation to fall in 24 hours - precip date
MonthlyGreatestSnowfall 24 hour greatest snowfall
MonthlyGreatestSnowfallDate 24 hour greatest snowfall - date
MonthlyGreatestSnowDepth Highest snow depth - height
MonthlyGreatestSnowDepthDate Highest snow depth - date
MonthlyDaysWithGT90Temp Monthly totals temperature greater than 90 (departures from 1981-2010 normal)
MonthlyDaysWithLT32Temp Monthly totals temperature less than 32 (departures from 1981-2010 normal)
MonthlyDaysWithGT32Temp Monthly totals temperature greater than 32 (departures from 1981-2010 normal)
MonthlyDaysWithLT0Temp Monthly totals temperature less than 0 (departures from 1981-2010 normal)
MonthlyDaysWithGT001Precip Monthly totals precipitation greater than 0.01 (departures from 1981-2010 normal)
MonthlyDaysWithGT010Precip Monthly totals precipitation greater than 0.10 (departures from 1981-2010 normal)
MonthlyDaysWithGT1Snow Monthly totals snow greater than 1 (departures from 1981-2010 normal)
MonthlyMaxSeaLevelPressureValue Monthly highest sea level pressure value
MonthlyMaxSeaLevelPressureDate Monthly highest sea level pressure value date
MonthlyMaxSeaLevelPressureTime Monthly highest sea level pressure value time
MonthlyMinSeaLevelPressureValue Monthly lowest sea level pressure value
MonthlyMinSeaLevelPressureDate Monthly lowest sea level pressure value date
MonthlyMinSeaLevelPressureTime Monthly lowest sea level pressure value time
MonthlyTotalHeatingDegreeDays Monthly and season to-date totals for heating degree data
MonthlyTotalCoolingDegreeDays Monthly and season to-date totals for cooling degree data
MonthlyDeptFromNormalHeatingDD Monthly departure from normal heating degree data
MonthlyDeptFromNormalCoolingDD Monthly departure from normal cooling degree data
MonthlyTotalSeasonToDateHeatingDD Season-to-date totals for heating degree data
MonthlyTotalSeasonToDateCoolingDD Season-to-date totals for cooling degree data